Frickin' frakkin' preschool
We're actually pretty late on this--luckily the few places we're looking at have pretty relaxed application processes. This morning I went web surfing for other 2-year-old programs and discovered that a lot of places "recommend" that applications be turned in the first week of SEPTEMBER. For NEXT YEAR.
Ugh. I'm seriously considering forgetting the whole thing and just sending her to preschool at 3 instead. If I start now, I might just have my shit together enough to make the application deadlines for fall 2010.
I know "cute things my kid says" posts are only popular with the authors of those posts, so feel free to stop reading now. I just want to write down a few things so I don't forget them.
• This morning, as I do most mornings, I asked BG if she wanted to sit on her potty chair (fully clothed) while I peed. (It goes without saying that she always accompanys me into the bathroom.) Unlike most mornings, she did not run away yelling "Nooo!" and actually plopped down on the potty with enthusiasm. Maybe it helped that she had a book to "read." Anyway, she looked up at me as we sat there together and said brightly, "We're poopin'!"
• Newest phrase: "It's lovely!" Usually applied to my jewelry. I think she learned that word from Little Bear.
• Lately, when I come home from work, I'll hear her squeal, "Oh, hi!" in the next room, before she comes running to give me a bear hug. Another popular phrase of greeting: "Wass goin' on?"
• Last week, she was holding her doll crooning, "Oh, dolly, you're cryin', lemme wipe your eyes." And a few days ago, she was playing with one of her teddy bears and informed me, "Bear's cryin'. Needs a bottle." (Can you tell we've had a lot of tantrums ending in sobbing fits around here lately?)