Saturday, January 28, 2006

Gearing up again

It's very inconvenient when you're supposed to have a baseline ultrasound on CD2 or 3 and you get your period on a Friday night. What to do? I ended up calling my doctor's office this afternoon and the answering service said yes, this is just the kind of thing the doctor on call wants to be paged about on a Saturday afternoon! Seriously, they were not fazed at all and paged the doctor (not my doctor, Dr. S., but Other Doctor), who called me right away and said I could come in Monday morning at 7:30, when they do all the monitoring.

So here we go! I counted forward on the calendar and based on when I ovulated during my last (failed) Letrozole cycle, I could end up needing to have the IUI on a day when I have back-to-back meetings literally from 9 am onward. Whee! "Hi, I'm going to be late for that breakfast because I'm having my husband's sperm inserted into my uterus through a catheter. Thanks!"

Unrelated: Last weekend I saw a program on TLC about ectopic pregnancy, called "Pregnant for 4 Years." (It's going to be on again on Discovery Health.) They focused on two women who had their pregnancies implant in the abdomen. One was a woman in I think Morocco who'd carried the baby to full-term and had what she thought were labor pains but were actually pains from the baby being in distress and eventually dying. She went to a hospital but was so frightened at seeing/hearing another woman give birth that she ran away. The baby died inside her and her body gradually built a calcium barrier around the baby's body to protect itself. She carried the "stone baby" around inside her for 40+ years, and eventually had surgery to remove it. Ironically, if she had stayed at the hospital all those years ago and doctors had tried to deliver the baby via C-section, she probably would have died--surgical technology being what it was back then, especially in the remote area where she lived, they would not have been able to detach the baby from her internal organs without causing massive hemorrhaging.

The other case was a woman who became pregnant with triplets (spontaneous, not ART, IIRC). Two implanted in her uterus, the third implanted in her abdomen. She had a C-section and all three babies lived and are now thriving.

Anyway, there was no real point to that--just that the human body is capable of some freaky shit.


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