Wednesday, January 10, 2007
About Me
- Name: electriclady
Like the tagline says...I have PCOS. I have a unicornuate uterus. I live in Big City, USA. We started TTC in June 2004 (I was 30; we'd been married 2 years), and got lucky with an IUI/injectibles cycle in May/June 2006. After a tough pregnancy and four months of bedrest, I gave birth to my Bat Girl in Feb. 2007. We started TTC#2 in 2009 and after many, many IUIs I got pregnant in November 2011 on our first IVF cycle. Baby Brother was born in July 2012, making our family complete.
Looking for a Friend?
- Infertile Mafia (click on "Diagnostics Room" and scroll down to "Uterine Anomalies" to find other wacky womb gals)
- Cyclesista
Interesting UU/MA Studies
- Pregnancy Outcomes in Unicornuate Uteri: a Review (2009)
- Reproductive Outcomes in Women With Uterine Anomalies (2004)
- Transvaginal Ultrasonography of the Cervix to Predict Preterm Birth in Women with Uterine Anomalies (2005)
- Mullerian Duct Anomalies: Imaging and Clinical Issues (2004)
- Uterine Malformation: A cause of elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein concentrations (1996)
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